Dynamax Coach Course - LIVE


The Dynamax Coach course will teach the fundamentals of Dynamax Medicine Ball movement-based training. Instructors will explore the history of the medicine ball and teach coaches how to apply Dynamax medicine ball exercises to target and develop the 10 Physical Skills in their athletes. Attendees will also learn the essentials of program design, cueing, coaching techniques, and how to assess sport specific movement patterns to apply the appropriate medicine ball exercises.

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Available Course Credits

ACE 0.50
NASM 0.50
NSCA 5.00

Learning Objectives

1. Distinguish the difference between Dynamax movement-based medicine ball training and traditional medicine ball training.

2. Comprehend how to select, program, and coach Dynamax medicine ball exercises for athletes.

3. Recognize how to identify sport specific movement patterns and how to create programming based on these movement assessments.

4. Learn how to integrate Dynamax Medicine Ball training into current periodization.

Course Procedure

  1. Enroll in the course.
  2. View the course content.
  3. Take the test. (You must score 80% to pass. If you do not pass, you may retake the test.)
  4. Print your certificate of completion.

Course Content

Course Manual
Role Call

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